Barry Woolcott (Chairperson)
My wife Renee and I have lived in Glendowie for 15 years and CPS has been instrumental in the growth and development of our three children. I am grateful to have been given the opportunity to give back to a school and community that continues to treat our family so well.
I am passionate about strategy and governance and have been involved in both commercial and not for profit Board structures for over 10 years. My goal as a Board member for our school is to enable and support a collaborative, aligned, transparent and safe environment that encourages both CPS and our students to achieve their potential.
I strongly believe in feedback and continual improvement - if there is ever anything you would like to discuss with me, please get in touch!

Melinda Williams
My partner Greg and I have two children at Churchill Park School – Rafe and Manon – who love being part of the school’s inclusive, empowering and sustainable environment in its unique park setting.
I’m a communications consultant, editor and author, with a special interest in sustainability and design. I hope to use my skills to support the school’s Enviroschools commitments and improve our strong channels of communication.
I’m always open to questions, feedback and ideas about how the school can further support our students, our environment and the local community, so please feel free to say hi and have a chat.

Kynan Watt (Staff Rep)
I have been employed at CPS for nearly ten years, firstly as a teacher, before taking on the role as the year 5-6 Whānau leader. Currently, I am also the Kahui Ako Across School Leader.
Working on the board is a tremendous opportunity to see how the school implements aspects of Governance into everyday management, and how Educational policy impacts and relates to the classroom. A teacher's view from the "Factory Floor" can offer valuable insights to the rest of the board.
If you have any questions for me, I can always be found somewhere around the school and will be happy to help where possible.

Ben Coleman
Hello, I have had a long association with Churchill Park School and I feel very proud to call myself an “old boy” having attended CPS from 1985 to 1990. Fast forward 20 years and I feel very fortunate to have been able to give my own children the same incredible primary school experience I had. Victoria and I have had two children progress through the school already and our 2 two youngest daughters Olivia (Year 5) and Xanthe (Year 2) are currently fully ensconced in CPS school life. My wife Victoria has worked on the PTA for a number of years and we have both been involved in numerous events, fundraisers, school camps and sports fixtures. I am passionate about the school, its amazing staff and grateful for the start it has given me and my children in our life long learning journey.
Churchill Park is an incredibly unique and special school with teachers, opportunities and culture facilities, let alone a setting that can no longer be replicated in today’s Auckland neighbourhoods. As a board member I am conscious we need to retain the school’s character and ability to provide leading education, curriculum and extra-curricular opportunities for our children. It is vitally important the school remains focussed on setting our children up to succeed in the next stage of their learning while remaining abreast of the evolving technological, cultural and competitive environments that are set to challenge our young people in their lifetime.
As a board member I look forward to leveraging my corporate experience to collaborate and serve the school community and deliver a positive outcome for the future direction of CPS, attracting and retaining staff talent, and most of all a ensuring a strong educational foundation is delivered for our children.

Janine Penrose
My husband and I have two children at Churchill Park School, Sasha and Gus, and one at Glendowie College, Milla. Churchill Park has been phenomenal at preparing her so well for college as she is thriving.
I've spent my entire career in marketing, working for both big multi nationals and smaller businesses, mainly in the food and beverage industry. Marketing is all about strategy and execution, which is well aligned with the board requirements.
I've been an active member of the PTA in various forms for many years and especially love the community feel of events like Frosty Friday and the full school picnics. I strongly encourage more members to sign up, you don’t have to lead a project, but helping out on stalls is a wonderful way to get to know more people from our school community.
I am particularly passionate about retaining our students and ensuring they thrive in the intermediate years. If you want any insider information please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Sally Gallaugher
My husband Steve and I are down to our last of 3 children at Churchill Park School. I have been involved in lots of different ways at the School which has given me an appreciation of what goes on behind the scenes to keep it moving forward and striving for high-quality education.
My goal is for Churchill Park School to be a place where all students and staff thrive - somewhere they look forward to going each day, and somewhere that instills a love of learning.
I teach undergraduate and postgraduate courses in population health at the University of Auckland and undertake research and evaluation work for health organisations like Counties Manukau Health.