At Churchill Park School there are a number of students with identified learning needs who receive funding from government agencies.
Children who require support are catered for by a group of highly committed staff
These include the Learning Support Coordinator, the Associate Principals, teachers and a team of eight Learning Assistants working part or full-time.
We also utilise the expertise of outside agencies on a regular basis. These specialists may include occupational, physio and speech-language therapists along with psychologists.
Class teachers are responsible for each student's programme
Some of our students have their needs met through Individual Education Plans (IEPs) where discussions are held about how the child is going, what their next steps are and how their goals are to be achieved.
IEPs are a result of the combined knowledge of teachers, parents and professionals that work together on a daily basis. Teachers differentiate the class programme in order for these students to achieve success.
Guidance and support are an important aspect of school life at Churchill Park School
At Churchill Park School we run a variety of learning support programmes. If your child is part of these programmes they will receive a letter outlining the support.
We have access to the following support networks:
RTLB – (Resource Teachers of Learning and Behaviour) – support for teachers and families to meet the learning and behaviour needs of our students
GSE (Group Specialist Education – MOE)
RTLIT (Resource Teachers of Literacy) – support for teachers and families to meet learning needs in literacy
SLT – Speech Language Therapy
Public Health Nurse
Vision and Hearing Specialist
Literacy Support Programmes
Rainbow Reading – is an audio-facilitated reading programme consisting of a series of books, at seven colour-coded levels, with accompanying audio support and activities. A programme which improves students' enjoyment, confidence and competence in reading.
Computer Programmes: STEPS - is a computer based literacy programme. Students using STEPS work independently through levels of literacy skill development in addition to their regular classroom lessons. This programme is used with students from Year 2 - 6.