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Churchill Park School is conducting a lockdown exercise.  All updates are provided on our website.  Please do not come to the school or phone the school as you will not be attended to.  We will update this website when the exercise has been completed.  Thank you.


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Churchill Park School has gone into lockdown because of ______________.  We will continue to provide updates on our website as often as possible.  Please do not come to the school or phone the school as you will not be attended to and this may cause disruption to the management of this incident and could potentially place yourselves and/or our staff and student’s safety at risk.  We will update this website when the lockdown has been completed.  Thank you. 

Being an Enviro School

Education for Sustainability

What does it look like for Churchill Park School?
We are a green gold Enviroschool and we are proud of it!                                                                 
The kaupapa of Enviroschools' "creating a healthy, peaceful, sustainable world through people teaching and learning together" is the focus at Churchill Park School.


  • integrate into all learning where possible

  • make connections to – biophysical, political, economic and social issues

  • focus awareness and practice of Churchill Park beliefs

  • talk about our understanding of kaitiakitanga

  • through an inquiry cycle – taking action from our learning and transferring this into a sustainable environment creating lifelong attitudes and actions.

  • deliberately teach the key principles of empowered students, learning for sustainability, Māori perspectives, respect for diversity of people and culture and sustainable communities

Our aim is to equip our students with the competencies they need to be leaders in sustainability. Students are actively engaged in environmental change that has significant effects on the school, community, country and planet.

Projects we are proud of

  • water tank – IPENZ engineers working alongside the students to develop a water tank flow from the friendship garden,

  • weekly garden club,

  • development of the wetlands (from a boggy area) alongside the council for guidance

  • garden to table

  • composting –developing an understanding of compost,

  • using harakeke from the wetlands for art, technology,

  • travel-wise

  • walking school bus

  • continuing to fundraise and support students from Cambodia through world vision,

  • caterpillar garden,

  • solar panels,

  • beach clean-up sustainable coastlines,

  • waste audit,

  • annual studies on NZ endangered species e.g. short tail bat, longfin eel, whio,

  • waste less school including nude lunchboxes, reusing and recycling paper, limited paper newsletters


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