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Churchill Park School is conducting a lockdown exercise.  All updates are provided on our website.  Please do not come to the school or phone the school as you will not be attended to.  We will update this website when the exercise has been completed.  Thank you.


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Churchill Park School has gone into lockdown because of ______________.  We will continue to provide updates on our website as often as possible.  Please do not come to the school or phone the school as you will not be attended to and this may cause disruption to the management of this incident and could potentially place yourselves and/or our staff and student’s safety at risk.  We will update this website when the lockdown has been completed.  Thank you. 

Student Leadership

Head Students 

As head boy and head girl of Churchill Park School, we have responsibilities. We lead and plan assemblies and help improve our school and its image. This year we have worked on a lot. We have helped redo the learner-quality images, figuring out and planning our leavers' gift.

We also write speeches throughout the year and one at the year Rangitoto Whanau prize. We've gone to NYLD where we got to talk to other schools and learn the qualities of being a leader and we also attended World Vision Junior Youth Conference where we learned about the problems facing our world today and got to talk to other schools.

We work alongside the council which is a group of 3 boys and 3 girls, we meet to discuss topics involving the school. We try to be role models to the younger students. Being heads of the school has taught us lots of leadership skills and how to become confident on stage. That's a little bit about what we do as leaders of Churchill Park School.

Student Council

As council, we are the support team of Head Boy and Head Girl. There are eight members of the council including the two heads. Every Thursday, we have meetings with Ms. Patten where we all plan stuff for the upcoming week.

We also manage and run the assemblies. All from making the script to running it in front of the whole school. The council is also in charge of bake sales, running school events, and helping with other activities like Pink Shirt Day and many more.

We also help with big things like redesigning the school qualities graphics and the year 8 leavers' gift. Earlier this year, the student council attended an NZ-wide conference called NYLD (National Young Leaders Day) and it was a blast! All of us were so excited.  We heard from many inspirational leaders and we loved it. All the stories were very inspiring.

The school council is also involved in helping with the intermediate expo. This is to get more kids to join the intermediate instead of going off to another school.

Class Reps

A class rep is one of Churchill Park's many leadership roles. As a class rep, two students from each class are chosen by their teachers to represent their class. These students will attend monthly meetings with Ms. Patten on Thursday afternoons.

We discuss and share our great ideas about things that will make our kura, school, even better than it already is. For example, in our most recent, and first meetup, we talked about our summer fundraiser, Frosty Friday and much more.

We are open to all of our team's amazing suggestions and thoughts and enjoy hearing about the unique ideas.

Whare Kaiarahi                  (House Leaders)

As a whare kaiarahi, we must lead our houses and be role models for the younger kids. As a whare kaiarahi, we have to make decisions to help our whare group. We have to support and organise events at the school. 

Every second Friday we get together as a whare group and talk about what is coming up.  At the end of Term 3 each year, there is a whare competition. The whare competitions include a haka and a waitata so we practice over the term.

We really enjoy being a whare kaiarahi and we would recommend being a whare kaiarahi at Churchill Park School.

Enviro Leaders

As an Enviro School, we uphold the Kaupapa of creating a healthy, peaceful, sustainable world through learning and taking action together. We are charged with incorporating the key elements of an Enviro School. These include Maori perspectives, sustainable communities, respect for diversity of people and cultures, learning for sustainability, and empowered students. These practices are also incorporated through our strategic plan which incorporates Thriving Place (Rohe) and our core values of Responsibilty, Respect, and Resilience. 

As Enviro leaders, our goal is to lead our school towards a sustainable and enviro-friendly future wherever possible. The projects and activities we plan all have one objective. To help educate others at CPS about the environment. Some of this year's events we have helped organise are a full Waste Audit, Trees for Survival seedling growing, planting in our local environment with Adopt a Park, and this year’s Enviro Week focus and activities around Global Warming and Climate change.

In 2022 we had our successful Green-Gold Enviro School Review. We remain committed to this journey and we will continue to explore how our understanding and practices can deepen and broaden.  

To make these events possible and to relay information to the classes, we have Enviro meetings every month. The Enviro reps from each class throughout the school come together to discuss upcoming projects, give their input on our plans, and come up with incredible ideas. Being an Enviro leader is a privilege. Knowing that we have made a difference in our hapori and our school is an incredible reward.

Travelwise Leaders

Travelwise is a school organization dedicated to promoting safe and sustainable modes of transportation for students. By encouraging walking, biking, and carpooling, we aim to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality around the school. Our team works to educate students and parents on the benefits of alternative transportation, and we organize events such as bike and scooter days, and walking school buses to make it easy and fun to choose active transportation options. Join us in making our school community a safer and healthier place to be!

Peer Mediators

At Churchill Park School we are very lucky to have a lot of leadership opportunities. One of them is Peer mediating.

Some of the Rangitoto Whanau students give up their Morning tea and Lunch once a week to help the Karaka Whanau in their play area.

As Peer Mediators we assist the teachers on duty.                        Peer Mediators act as big buddies for the younger kids, as they Play, look after them and help them when needed.


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