This vision statement is reflective of the New Zealand Curriculum vision statement - and, most importantly, it reflects the vision of our own community.
It represents all our learners, as the school's aim is to develop policies and practices from this vision that reflect New Zealand's cultural diversity and, in particular, the unique position of the Māori culture, through our key strategic goal to develop and progress the achievement of all our learners.
Growing Confident Learners is also the key vision statement of the new strategic plan, developed through community consultation with all stakeholders and approved by the Board of Trustees for the period 2023 – 2026, reviewed and updated throughout the year through the Strategic Annual Plan.





They reflect the family values of our Churchill Park community and embody the values deeply held by all staff and Board members.
Our values have been incorporated into our curriculum documentation and have been embedded in the curriculum across the school.
They are reflected in classroom work, displays, assembly sharing, newsletters and the school website so that all stakeholders in our community are playing an active role in keeping the focus on our school values.
Supported by our Learner Qualities and Strategic Plan
Our current focus on Learner Qualities, to support us all becoming effective learners, is reflective of our strongly-held school values.
The Strategic Plan 2019–2022 also focuses on these core values and is embodied in programmes such as Kia Kaha and Keeping Ourselves Safe.
These school values, alongside our Key Competencies and Learner Qualities, are the cornerstones of what we do and who we are as a community at Churchill Park School.


Problem Solvers


Risk Takers

Team Players